3 meter Zipper Truck™
The 3m Zipper Truck™ structure with rollers fits onto the back of a truck to create a mobile and versatile tool for building arches. The taper allows the shaped blocks to be easily placed and then as the Zipper Truck™ moves forward gravity does the rest! This innovative method allows for up to 90% faster construction time, and the end product is immensely strong and long lasting, while still being re-usable.

3m Zipper Truck™ building a protective arch structure
3m Zipper Truck™ showing the zipper action closing the arch

6 meter Zipper Truck™

The 6m Zipper Truck™ structure is the 3m Zipper Truck's™ big brother, capable of building an arch twice the size. While the core Zipper Truck™ concept is maintained with this product, the implementation differs slightly. The larger 6m tool has a smooth contour without rollers and uses jacks to adjust its height while assembling the arch through discrete movements instead of continuously.

6m Zipper Truck™ basic structure, showing the arch support
6m Zipper Truck™ deployed assembling a creek crossing